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Differentia inter ostium et ostium summo spissamentum

1. Difference of function: the function of the top of the door is to support, while the function of the door stopper is to hold the door and fix it so as to prevent the door from being closed due to the wind blowing or touching the ostium folium.

2. Application interest, quod plerumque in summo adhibetur in latrina ostium et ianuam spissamentum adhibetur ad cubiculum vel ostium culina.

3. Differentia divisio ostium summa alia dividitur stopper ostium duplex permanentis limine portae et electro stopper stopper. Et permanentis ope ostium portae spissamentum est plerumque usus est in vulgares, et non continuit modo manually; electro ostium portae spissamentum est in igne et alia electronic apparatu potestate fenestram et ostium est, et utraque habet potestatem manual et automatic imperium munera.

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Post dies: Apr-23-2020